Monday, April 28, 2008

First part of being organized.

First - I edited yesterday's post a little. Feel free to go back and read it again.

OK - I sent my Command an e-mail explaining what was happeing and what my next steps were.

I am waiting for my appointment with the neurologist. I am sure this is going to be a long, hard, slow battle. But, oh well, if it was easy everyone would do it.

I am going to try to figure out how to put word documents on here so each post is not so long.

I will post the letter (edited with no names) as soon as I figure out how to do that.

It will give you an example. BUT, do not think it is a great or perfect example. Heck, I may have pissed off the whole world with this letter. But, at least it will give you somewhere to start.

Thank you for the e-mails I have received. Very nice. But, you are welcome to post here. No one will know your name.

After this mess, I don't blame you.

Anyway, I hope you have a nice day!

Good luck and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

I received your link in an e-mail. I am at Ft Stewart. Thank you. More people need to see this.

Amanda said...

Hey, You are the first person to leave a comment. I received an e-mail, but no comments yet! I wish Ihad a t-shirt to give you or something.

I am so glad you stopped by. I hope you visit my other Blog and my website. I hope to get my website looking great soon. Here is the link.

As I tell everyone. These are not hate sites, these are sites to make the Military Doctors take care of us soldiers so more people will want to join. WE can't survive in this environment and who would want to join with bad press like this.

OK and I am being selfish. I just want my medical records admended and to be as far away from a Military Doctor as I can go.

I hope you have a wonderful evening and stop by again.