Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Back Pain

My back hurts a lot when I sit too long. So today I may not post anymore. I will try to post at least once a day.

I am at the point of - "If the darn Doctors think all of this is in my head - why did they not give me medicine to fix my darn head?" In their thinking my pain in my back would be gone. Jerks! OK that was ugly. I need to be nice.

I know it is hard. Just remember - you can be mean here - just don't mention any name. Get all your frustrations out here, and then go back to your command refreshed and composed. Do not cry or whine - I have done enough of they for the time being.

I am going to post this BLOG on my web site and visa versa. I am also going to start posting this BLOG in the Veterans sections of the Military Websites.

For those who read my other blog, feel free to post at either place. I am answering there also.

And as I have mentioned, feel free to post at my website.

Good luck and God Bless.

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